I was recently told about a book called The 90 Day Year by one of my clients. I haven’t bought the book at the time of writing this blog, but will definitely be ordering a copy.
I talk a lot about having a 90-day plan and working on ending your year strong. Now whilst I have not read the book, or looked up the material, I wondered how can a person who may have lost time due to unexpected life stances such job loss, surgery, bereavement of a loved one, all of which can end up putting life on hold for a significant period of time, still progress and accomplish what they set to? Take the corona-virus pandemic we all experienced in the last 18 months or so, this had a massive impact on many lives and as a result, on goals and dreams. Many had to put things on hold. The shift in working from home, job loss, being in lockdown could have led to a plateau in performance. Now could be a good time to step up the game.
The concept of a 90-day year could mean that a person who is ready and motivated could achieve a year’s goals in just 90 days!! Whilst this could sound overwhelming, I would say give it a good go, this process will release your potential.
Think about it.
What could you achieve in 90 days that you have not done all year, or even for years!

Last year I was working with a client who achieved more in 3 months of working together than she had achieved in 3 years! This acceleration is very common in coaching. The process below does not discriminate. Anyone can do it and get phenomenal results if followed. I personally am going to do this and get started this October 2021.
Step 1:
have a very clear small vision of what you want to achieve in 90 days-write it down (you may want to work on more than one area) write a positive and compelling vision for each area. No more than a paragraph on each.
Step 2:
set and write transformative goals that make this vision a reality. They must challenge your usual thinking
Step 3:
write out a step by step plan of action to achieve the goals with strong and firm deadlines
Step 4:
transfer these actions in to your day, week, month, lifestyle, routine (this is imperative) make these your uncompromising actions and disciplines.
Step 5:
cancel, move other unimportant things from your diary (communicate with spouse/family) put in place one or two powerful habits that will support this plan.
Step 6:
mindset and determination is everything. Who do you need to be in order to accomplish what you want? Imagine the best you, the super version of you. This is the person you need to be for the next 90 days. Use a prop or a visual if you need to, to help you get in that state.
The process of working on a high achieving 90-day plan, adopting atomic habits, having a tenacious mindset, operating in your power zone (not your comfort zone) leads to your High Performance.
Don’t waste time. Don’t overthink it, grab a pen and paper and write, write from your deeper self. There is something in your belly that is crying out to happen, crying out to change, keen to achieve because your purpose depends on it. There is no wasting time. You got this, you can double your progress in the next 90 days.
Good Habits Breed High Performance
- Have clarity on what you want and who you are.
- Write, plan, operate from your power zone
- Put away your phone during your working day/focused time
- Learn to say ‘no’ respectfully during these 90 days
- Set strong boundaries on distractions- you know what your distractions are
- Instead of looking at your phone, look at your goals and game plan multiple times in the day
- Have a daily clear list of priorities and do them all (be realistic but challenging)
- Have a daily self-care-routine and downtime regimen
- Educate yourself on the areas you want to focus on in the next 90 days
Let me know how you get on.
Have a super 90 day year!
Neelam-The Redesign Coach