Simple Action Plan to Tackle Stress and Get Your Life Back
If you are stressed out most of the time, you already know that stress is affecting:
- your health,
- your relationships
- your potential

Discover What You Really Want And Make Meaningful Decision for Your Future
It`s time to finally put pen to paper on what you have been longing for years.
Latest Blogs & Articles
20 Life Tips and Thoughts from a Life Coach
I could share a book on the wealth of life lessons, tips, thoughts, wisdom, and hacks that I have gained over the years, here are just 20 of them. They provoke thinking, and action and spark inspiration.
Ready, Steady, Grow. Growth Mindset
In the last few years, “growth mindset” seems to be a trending topic with evidence to substantiate it’s effectiveness. It is now not enough to just be “positive”, but having a growth mindset could literally add value to your life and business. I see this as tapping into untouched paths of our intelligence and potential.
Developing a growth mindset is essential for both personal and professional growth, especially for solopreneurs.
Accountability: the what, how, and why, that can make you a STAR Performer | Part B
How Accountability Impacts Performance and Why It Matters | Start applying accountability ideas and measures, to achieve different goals in your Life, Business, Finances
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